Monthly Archives: July 2016
Lately it has sparked renewed interest in the writings banned, censored, silenced or destroyed during the period of Cervantes. This happens at a time when a number of new evidence being discovered and incorporated into the analysis causing major historiographical debates, but at the same time, allowing re- examine the socio -political Hispanic this period from the perspective of the conflict and leaving aside the underlying thesis that social consensus was the predominant factor under the Castilian Crown in this period. Among these writings prohibited Miccinelli find documents or Naples. Testimonials that reveal a complex lattice Jesuit covering a broad political space in which they appear involved a series of characters and related writings Alcala. The problems Miccinelli or Naples documents related to the various manuscripts of great interest to Peruvian and Spanish historiography, which now fall within the scope of counterfeiting and rewriting of texts. Among these writings we […]
Continuing the theme of the last Congress held in Alcalá de Henares last year 2005, we maintain this second call issues prohibited deeds, censored, destroyed and silenced testimony echoes under the title of ‘Scripture silenced: story , memory and cultural processes’. This time we have taken as a reference point, in addition to the classical Mediterranean world little of Cervantes,-initially considered as a reference, the independence movements of Latin American colonies of Spain. Being the great silences and chiaroscuro that Latin America, the great unknown, raises the concern to us at this time, as we walked toward the bicentennial of this event. As the joint gesture independence? What were the small and the great speeches silenced by institutional interests, ideological or economic? And yet, how and why these passes ended the state of dependence converging social, economic and cultural, that we show today? Silenced Scripture are also generated by the […]
This third edition of Congress want to devote to the study of landscape (cultural, geographical, human) as a key source of historiographical observation. Always keeping an interdisciplinary approach that has characterized previous meetings. We take as a reference for the representation of landscape in Renaissance writings, until the twenty-first century, in which the middle and exploitation have become the measure of our cultures. This third edition of the Congress ‘Silenced Scriptures’ the wish to dedicate also to study the new issues are emerging in various disciplines related to documents silenced, hidden, rejected or censored. We also take this opportunity to direct our interest towards new technologies and the changes that are being generated around access to the knowledge of those texts and testimonies that were previously out of the reach of researchers. In this context, we analyze the possibilities of change and innovation that these new tools will provide, in […]
“Silenced Writings” is an innovative project that brings together a group of historians belonging to the University of Alcalá, interested in further study of scriptures banned, censored, silenced or destroyed over time. The activities of this group started in 2004 by convening a First International Congress of “Silenced Writings”. The theme chosen for this first issue was times of Cervantes. Thus, under the complicity of the Conquistador Francisco Chaves writing his prohibited letter to the King – a character who has continued accompanying our activities – we have been consolidating our own space where we have raised and discussed new approaches and perspectives related to the study of silenced and relegated testimonies to the various manifestations of power. The first International Congress ‘Silenced Scriptures at the time of Cervantes’ was held at the University of Alcala de Henares on the 29th and 30th of November and December 1st, 2005 having […]