Continuing the theme of the last Congress held in Alcalá de Henares last year 2005, we maintain this second call issues prohibited deeds, censored, destroyed and silenced testimony echoes under the title of ‘Scripture silenced: story , memory and cultural processes’.
This time we have taken as a reference point, in addition to the classical Mediterranean world little of Cervantes,-initially considered as a reference, the independence movements of Latin American colonies of Spain. Being the great silences and chiaroscuro that Latin America, the great unknown, raises the concern to us at this time, as we walked toward the bicentennial of this event.
As the joint gesture independence? What were the small and the great speeches silenced by institutional interests, ideological or economic? And yet, how and why these passes ended the state of dependence converging social, economic and cultural, that we show today?
Silenced Scripture are also generated by the great power globalizing located in Rome: the Society of Jesus. The undoubted hegemony Jesuit in training youth and opinion through colleges and universities is a key factor in addressing the issue at hand in this Congress. As this institution since the late sixteenth century onwards, generated through an intricate network of information for which circulated warnings and immersed in a cloud of secrecy, the most important written before silenced and after Independence, dynamics within walking hypocrisy of the Jesuits.
Precisely those testimonies are hidden and despised by the great celebrations and recreational splendor, of our concern and we want to emphasize. And permeating deeper year the theme is from the great ‘Mediterranean border’ and through the flow and return movement of players and their ideas, which this academic meeting called to reflect.
Finally, Congress wants to pay tribute to professor and researcher Dr. Jos Francisco de la Pea Gutierrez (Sevilla June 5, 1944, Alcalá de Henares May 18, 1995), Quisco to many friends, how comfortable would have been involved of these ‘silenced scriptures’.